The 弗吉尼亚旅游公司 (VTC) offers several funding programs to assist the Virginia travel industry. 以下是当前和未来计划的摘要: [ 参见下面的+ 项目经理融资机会.PDF便于打印 ]
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VA250 营销杠杆计划
- Reimbursable grant program to leverage existing 市场营销 funds. Requires a targeted and 研究-based 市场营销 plan designed to drive tourism against the backdrop of America’s 250th 纪念
- 营销重点: Destinations, programs, attractions, 博物馆 and events related to America’s 250th 纪念和追求自由
- 符合资格的人士: Officially recognized VA250 Committees, historic sites and musuems. For information on how to become an officially recognized VA250 Committee, please visit
- 匹配: If in a federally recognized Economic Development District required minimum match is 1:1 in-kind match; if not in a federally-recognized Economic Development District required minimum match is 1:1 cash match
- 打开: 春天的圆 - 2024年3月5日开幕- 2024年4月11日闭幕
- 秋季回合 - 2024年10月中旬开幕- 2024年11月中旬闭幕
- 最大奖项: $10,000
- 怎样去: 在线申请门户
- 有关信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- Reimbursable grant program to leverage existing 市场营销 funds. Requires a targeted and 研究-based 市场营销 plan designed to drive tourism to Virginia
- 营销重点: Small business and shoulder season (September to May) 市场营销
- 符合资格的人士: Small tourism-related business with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent 员工 包括精品零售, 餐厅, 快餐车, 小景点, 手工啤酒厂, 酿酒厂, 酒庄, 精品住宿和B&b,和事件集中在平季访问
- 额外的资格: DMOs结构结构, 商会, 非政府组织, 比如PDCs和主流组织, may apply but the application must support microbusinesses and/or shoulder season visitation with a robust 市场营销 plan
- 打开: 2024年6月
- 最大奖项: $5,000 for small businesses; up to $10,000 for eligible organizational applicants with minimum 1:1 cash or in-kind 市场营销 match
- 怎样去: 在线申请门户
- 有关信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- Reimbursable grant program to leverage existing 市场营销 funds. Requires a 研究-based and measurable 市场营销 plan designed to drive tourism to Virginia
- 符合资格的人士: 弗吉尼亚旅游业的合作伙伴包括小型企业, DMOs结构, 私营机构景点, 住宿, 博物馆, 住宿和活动
- 打开: 2024年2月8日- 2024年3月14日
- 奖层:
- 一级: 1:1的最低现金匹配,奖金最高可达20,000美元
- 二级: 2:1最低现金匹配奖金高达50,000美元
- 怎样去: 在线申请门户
- 有关信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- 符合资格的人士: Official Virginia DMOs结构 for 市场营销 expenses that show positive and significant economic impact on tourism and must include 市场营销 plans designed to drive visitation to Virginia
- 打开: 2024年2月8日- 2024年3月14日
- 奖层: 最高20,000美元,至少50%现金或实物匹配
- 怎样去: 在线申请门户
- 有关信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- 符合资格的人士: Virginia based special events and festivals for 市场营销 and production of special events and festivals; special events and festivals must have at least two years of prior attendance since 2017 and must have a minimum attendance of 1,参加特别活动和节日人数少于1人,000 attendees should apply for the 营销杠杆计划
- 重要提示: The early 2024 round is ONLY for festival and special events that occur between January 1, 2024 2024年12月31日. Another round of the 弗吉尼亚特别活动和节日计划 will open in mid-2024 for festivals and special events that occur between January 1, 2025年和12月31日, 2025
- 必须显示特别活动和/或节日的影响 positive and significant impact on tourism and 市场营销 plan must be designed to drive visitation to Virginia. 只有50%的奖金可用于活动制作成本. Applications with plans to use production funding to expand festival capacity; add a stage, 提升访客体验, 增加工匠市场, 让步, 快餐车, 或者其他创收活动得分会更高
- 奖层:
- 一级: 1,000-4,999 attendees; up to $5,000 award with minimum 50% cash or in-kind match
- 二级: 5,000-19,999 attendees; up to $10,000 award with minimum 50% cash or in-kind match
- 第三层: 20,000+ attendees; up to $20,000 award with minimum 50% cash or in-kind match
- 打开: 2024年2月8日- 2024年3月14日
- 怎样去: 在线申请门户
- 有关信息和问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- 什么是可用的: 向10名dmo提供1万美元/ 2万美元的预付款
- 符合资格的人士: $10,000- any Virginia DMO; $20,000- Virginia DMO’s only
- 当: 2024年夏季待定
- 怎样去: DDMOs结构 complete online application, requires 50% cash or in-kind match. 程序利用驱动器2.产品开发的战略计划. Funds can be used towards specific development projects outlined by the program guidelines.
- 联系人: 凯特琳约翰逊 (电子邮件保护) |雅各布·鲍尔 (电子邮件保护)
- 什么是可用的: Gap financing towards the capital investment of new tourism product development
- 符合资格的人士: 经济发展组织
- 当: Year-round; no time limitations
- 怎样去: An EDO proves a deficiency in local tourism product based on visitor demand, through current 研究 from a locality’s Community Comprehensive, 旅游发展和营销计划. A developer then proves their project fills the deficiency through pro forma and market study 研究. 如果获得认证, the state contributes a percentage of quarterly sales and use tax collected from the project
- 欲知详情,请浏览
- 请与沃特Confroy联系 (电子邮件保护) 百老汇会员注册这些变化
- 什么是可用的: A visitor fee collected by tourism businesses for tourism 市场营销 and development
- 符合资格的人士: A newly formed TID Governing Board comprised of zone participating businesses
- 当: Year-round; no time limitations
- 怎样去: 当地的住宿, 餐厅, retail and tourism businesses petition the local government to create a TIDs plan. The plan defines zone geographic and usage parameters, and sources and uses of the funds. A newly formed governing board of participating businesses engages an administering nonprofit administrator to assist in the management of the program and funds
- 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息